Friday, 5 May 2017

Inbound idoc configuration steps in sap

What is Idoc :

IDocs are structured ASCII files (or a virtual equivalent). They are the file format used by SAP R/3 to   exchange data with foreign systems.  
 IDocs is the acronym for Interchange Document (Intermediate Document). This indicates a set of (electronic) information which builds a logical entity. An IDoc is e.g. all the data of a single customer in your customer master data file, or the IDoc is all the data of a single invoice. 
The information which is exchanged by IDocs is called a message and the IDoc is the physical representation of such a message. The name “messages” for the information sent via IDocs is used in the same ways as other EDI standards.

Why Idoc Configuration:

To exchange IDoc data between systems and partners that are completely independent or between same systems we need to configure.

Steps in Idoc Configuration:

     Consider we have to exchange data between two different clients.  Following are the configuration steps common for Interchange Documents in both the clients.

   3.1. Create segment

  1. Go to transaction WE31 -> Give your segment name -> Press Create. 
  2. Type your field name and data element and press save then segment definition will be created automatically.        

  3.2 Create Idoc Type

        Go to Transaction WE30
  1. For new IDOC type select the radio button Basic type and press Create button.          
  2. Then select the IDOC option to create and press Enter. Give segment name, minimum and maximum number for and save it. Check if this is mandatory segment.      
  3. If you want Header and Item create the segment tree according to that, you can view as follows then press Save.     
  4. Then go back and set release the IDOC type for using it further. Idoc type will be created successfully once we release that status. We have to release the segments (in WE31) and IDOC type as well. 

  3.3   Create Message Type

Go to transaction WE81 for new message type. Go to change mode and click New Entries for creating our own message type. 

  3.4   Associate Message Type with Basic Idoc Type

Go to transaction WE82 for associating the message type with basic IDOC type. 

  3.5 Create Logical System

Go to transaction SPRO and press SAP Reference IMG for creating the logical system for source and destination.     
Click the node define logical system from SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> SAP customizing Implementation Guide -> SAP xApp Resource and Portfolio Management (SAP xRPM) -> Base system Interfaces -> SAP Human Capital Management Integration -> Common system configuration and SAP HCM ALE setup -> Application link enabling (ALE) -> Basic Settings -> Logical Systems -> Define Logical System   
 Else go to transaction SALE then go to Basic settings-> logical system then Define logical system. We can create the same. 

   3.6 Create Logical Connection

  1. Go to transaction SM59 for creating Logical Destination.
                   a. SM59 -> logical connections -> Create 
                   b. Then Click Connection test  icon after marking the current user checkbox in logon and security tab.         
                   c.  Then Destination client will automatically open  

3.7 Create Ports

      Go to transaction WE21 for creating ports. WE21 -> Transactional IR -> Create                                   

4. Steps to be done in Source client

 1. Go to transaction SE11 -> create a table with entries.
 2. Go to transaction WE31 -> create segments as shown before. Here you have to mention all the fields mentioned in the database table.
 3. Go to transaction WE30 -> create basic IDOC type and release the segments and basic type.
 4. Go to transaction WE81 -> create message type.
 5. Go to transaction WE82 -> assign message type to basic Idoc type.
 6. Go to transaction BD64 -> Click on Display/change button          
 7. Click on Edit menu -> model view -> create      
 8. Specify description and technical name and press continue.                    
 9. Select your model view -> click edit -> Add message type                  
 10. In dialog box specify sender, receiver, and message type and continue.
 11. Click on environment menu -> generate partner profile               
  12. It will show the following screen. Select your model view and click on execute.      
  13. It will show the partner profile log in next screen.
  14. Click on back button 2 times it will take to distribution model screen.
  15. Click on Edit -> Model view -> Distribute
  16. In displayed dialog box select the partner system and continue.
   17. Then it will show the log of model view distribution.
   18. To check partner profile go to transaction WE20.
   19. Then write the report program in SE38 to create IDOC control records and transfer it to destination   partner system.
   20. Go to Transaction WE02 to check the generated IDOC control records. 

5. Steps to be done in Destination client

  1. Go to transaction SE37 to create the function module for updating the table from IDOC segments.
  2. Specify import, export and table parameters.
  3. Go to transaction WE57 for assigning the FM to logical system. Click on Display/ change button.
  4. Specify FM name, function type, basic type(IDOC ), message type and direction then save it.
  5. Go to transaction BD51 to define input method for inbound function module and click on Display change button
  6. Specify your function module and input type by clicking the new entries.
  7. Go to transaction WE42 and  create process code.
  8. Go to transaction BD64 and generate the partner profile again.
  9. Got to transaction SE 38 and execute the transaction in source system (client100).
  10. Check in destination system (client 800). Go to Transaction WE02 and check your table in SE11. (You can get the transferred entries in that table).

1 comment:

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