Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Sales document types

It is a document which consists of the sales related information.
Structure of sales document:
The structure of sales document will be divided in to 3 parts
1.       Header data (VBAK)
2.       Item data(VBAP)
3.       Schedule line data(VBEP)
Header data:
                It is the data which applies to all the line items in the sales document.
1.       Customer master
2.       Control data (organizational unit)
3.       Some part of configuration data
Header data will be control by sales document type
The table for header data is VBAK
Item data:
                It is the data which applies to a particular line item in the sales document
 It is the data which is specified to particular line item in the sales document.(Material quantity, material group, weight, price etc)
The source of the item data is :
1.       Material master
2.       CMIR (Customer Material Info Record)
3.       Condition master
4.       Some part of configuration data
Item data will be control by item category
The table for item data is VBAP
Each line item will have its own data
Schedule line category:
                It is the data which consist of delivery dates and confirm quantity information. in schedule line data system perform in the back ground. Delivery scheduling and availability check.
Source of schedule line data is
                Only configuration data
Schedule line data will be control be schedule line category
The table for schedule line data is VBEP
Business data VBKD:
                Business data is the data which copies in to sales document from sales, shipping, billing tabs of customer master business data is the data for sales shipping and billing tabs .
Sales document partner data VBAP
Sales document header status VBUK
Sales document item status VBUP
Document flow VBFA
Sales document pricing table KONV
                Schedule line data in the background considers pick pack time loading time RLT etc. and proposes the delivery dates based on delivery scheduling availability check.
                Business data is the data from sales shipping and billing tab in customer master which copies into sales document.

process/ transaction
document type
T code
Cash sales
Rush Order
Credit memo request
Debit memo request
Free of charge
Sub sequent Delivery
Invoice correction request
Quotation contract
Value contract general
value contract material specific
Scheduling agreement
Consignment fill up
Consignment issue
Consignment returns
Consignment pickup
Master contract

                It is a sales document we crate in sap whenever customer inquiry about the products likes specifications and price etc.
It is an internal document which we create if any customer inquiry about the product the inquiry may be physically walking or by phone or mail etc.
Inquiry document consist of customer details, material details and quantity details.it will be used to track the customers who are interested in your product and it will also help for reporting purpose
The t code to create inquiry is VA11
                A quotation is a response to inquiry i.e. whenever customer inquiry about the product we give quotation to the customer. We prepare a quotation and send it to the customers.
Quotation document consist of the customer details, product details, quantity details, price details, terms and condition and validity period.
It customer is satisfies with the quotation then he will place the order to company with reference to quotation. The t code to create Quotation is VA21.
Sales order:
                Sales order is a legal document for supplying the goods to customers. Or Sales order is an agreement between company and customer for supplying the goods. In SAP we create order with reference to quotation the t code to create sales order is VA01. The Document type for Sales order is OR.  
                Generally customer returns the goods to the below reasons
1.       Damaged goods
2.       Defective goods
3.       Expired goods
After dispatching goods to the customer if customer found any damage or defective or expired goods then customer will inform the sale to company and company will send the employee to customer place to cross check the damage or defective or expired return note which consists of original invoice number, material details and quantity details and also sign of customer and the employee. After that employee will submit the return note to company basing on return note we create return order in SAP.
Return order is created with reference to original invoice. Then customer returns the goods then we create return delivery with reference to return order. After return delivery we create return invoice with reference to return order.
Credit memo request:
                We use credit memo request process, if you want to deduct the amount from customer’s outstanding
The below scenario we do credit memo request.
1. If the goods are totally damaged which are not in a position to be taken back
2. User mistakenly over charge the previous invoice.
3. If the cost is more to take the goods back or to take back the return goods the transportation cost is more than the product cost.
4. Secondary sales promotional activities.
                Whenever customer finds totally damaged goods customer will inform to company, company will send an employee to cross check the damaged goods. After cross checking he will prepare credit note and submit it to the company. Then we create credit memo request in SAP.
Credit memo request can be created with reference to invoice and then we do credit memo.
When you do create credit memo the amount will be deducted from customer outstanding.
In case of over charged and secondary sales promotions also user will prepare credit memo request every moth.
Debit memo request:
                We use debit memo request if you want to add some amount to customer’s outstanding..
The below scenarios we do debit memo request
1.       User mistakenly under charged the previous invoice
2.       Interest charges(In case of payment delays means if customer is not making the payment on time then we charge interest to customer)
3.       If customer does not return the free goods in case of return process
Debit memo request can be created with reference to invoice and then we do debit memo
Invoice correction request:
                We use invoice correction request if there is any correction required in previous invoice. By using invoice correction request we can either deduct the amount from customer outstanding or add the amount to customer outstanding
We use invoice correction request mostly for user mistakes. Invoice correction request is an alternative option to CR or DR.  invoice correction request should be always created with reference to invoice. Whatever we deduct or add the amount you will have the billing type as G2 only.
Cash sales:
                Cash sales are a counter sales paying the cash at counter and taking the goods along with the customer. In cash sales process customer walk in to outlet and pick the material then go to the counter pay the cash and take the bill and take the goods along with him and leave the counter.
                When a customer comes the counter person will just create the cash sales order and in the order itself they take invoice copy and give it to the customer and in the background system creats delivery automatically. At the end of the day or when the counter is free the person will process PGI and invoice
Rush order:
                Rush order is a immediate delivery order we use this process if the customer is asking delivery immediately. Rush order is a express delivery order.
Free of charge:
                Sending samples to the customer without charging anything we use this if you want to send samples to the customers.     
Subsequent delivery free of charge:
                We also call it as replacement whenever customer returns the goods instead of deducting the amount form customer outstanding we replace the same quantity of goods to customer without changing. It is the process of replacing the quantities to customer without charging. If we want to replace the goods to customers then we don’t create return invoice in return order process. Because we don’t want to deduct the amount from customer outstanding. SDF should create always with reference to return order.
Quantity contract:
                It is an agreement between company and customer for supplying the goods of a particular quantity with in a specific validity period.
                A contract should have mutual benefits of both the parties here benefit to company is assured sales and benefit to customer is discount/ low price.
Value contract general:
                It is an agreement between company and customer for supplying the goods of a particular value with in a specific validity period. Value contract general is not specific to one material it is for group of material
Value contract material specific:
                It is an agreement between company and customer for supplying the goods of a particular value with in a specific validity period and with a specific material. Value contract material specific to particular material or specific to one material.
Scheduling agreement:
                It is an agreement between company and customer for supplying the goods of a particular quantity with in a specific validity period with predefined delivery dates
Master contract:
                Grouping of all the contracts of a particular customer in to one contract called master contract.
Consignment fill-up:
                Consignment fill up is dumping the stock at customer place without raising invoice or without transferring ownership. Delivering the goods at customer place without charging and keeping owner ship with the company.
Whenever we do delivery in Consignment fill up
1.       The stock will be reduced from unrestricted stock and will be added to special stock i.e. Consignment stock
2.       No inventory accounting document generates.  
Consignment issue:
                If our customer sold the goods to their customers from the Consignment stock then we do Consignment issue process if our customer sold the goods to their customer then our customer will inform the same to company then we raise invoice to our customer.
When we do delivery in consignment issue effect
1.       Stock will be reduced from Consignment stock.
2.       Inventory accounting document generate accounting entry cost of goods sold account debit to inventory account credit.
Consignment Returns:
                If end user returns the consignment goods to our customer then we do Consignment return process. Whenever end customer returns our customer will inform the same to company then we do consignment returns.
Whenever we do return delivery in consignment returns.
1.       The stock will be added to consignment stock
2.       Inventory accounting document generates the accounting entry inventory account debit to cost of goods sold account credit.
Consignment pickup:
                If our customer is asking to take the consignment stock then we do consignment pick up process.
When we do Consignment pick up
1.       The stock will be reduced from consignment stock and will be added to unrestricted stock
2.       No inventory accounting document is generated.



Wednesday, 6 May 2015


It is a process of dumping the stock at customer place and keeping owner ship with company
                Generally company will do consignment process for slow moving items and newly lunched products    
                Consignment process will be classified in to 4 types
1.       Consignment fill up
2.       Consignment issue
3.       Consignment returns
4.       Consignment pickup
Consignment full up:
                Whenever company decides to send the gods on consignment basis we first inform to customer. If customer accepts then we do consignment full up process.
                Consignment fill u is dumping the stock at customer lace with ut raising invoice and keeping owner ship with the company

Order type =CF
Item category =KBN
Schedule line category = E1
Movement type = 631
1.       Consignment fill up
2.       Delivery
3.       Proforma invoice
Consignment issue:
                If your customer sold the goods to their customer from their consignment stock then we do consignment issue process. Whenever our customer sold the goods to their customer then our customer will inform the same to company. If customer is not in form then we will send our employee to cross check the consignment stock.
Order type = CI
Item category = KEN
Schedule line category = C1
Movement type = 633
1.         Consignment issue
2.       Delivery
3.       Invoice
Consignment returns:
                If end customer returns the consignment goods good’s to our customer then our customer will inform the same to company then company will do consignment return process.
Order type = CONR
Item category = KRN
Schedule line category = DO
Movement type = 634
1.       Consignment return
2.       Return delivery
3.       Return invoice
Consignment pickup:
                If customers ask the company to take the remaining consignment stock then we do consignment pick up process.
Order type = CP
Item category = KAN
Schedule line category = F1
Movement type = 632
1.       Consignment pick up
2.       Return delivery


Sales Order
VA00 Initial Sales Menu
VA01 Create Sales Order
VA02 Change Sales Order
VA03 Display Sales Order
VA05 List of Sales Orders
VA07 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Order)
VA08 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Org.Dt.)
VA11 Create Inquiry
VA12 Change Inquiry
VA13 Display Inquiry
VA14L Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery
VA15 Inquiries List
VA21 Create Quotation
VA22 Change Quotation
VA23 Display Quotation
VA25 Quotations List
VA26 Collective Processing for Quotations
VA41 Create Contract
VA42 Change Contract
VA42W Workflow for master contract
VA43 Display Contract
VA44 Actual Overhead: Sales Order
VA45 List of Contracts
VA46 Coll.Subseq.Processing f.Contracts
Item Proposal
VA51 Create Item Proposal
VA52 Change Item Proposal
VA53 Display Item Proposal
VA55 List of Item Proposals
VA88 Actual Settlement: Sales Orders
Delivery (Outbound)
VL00 Shipping
VL01 Create Delivery
VL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.
VL01NO Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref.
VL02 Change Outbound Delivery
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
VL03 Display Outbound Delivery
VL03N Display Outbound Delivery
VL04 Process Delivery Due List
VL06 Delivery Monitor
VL06C List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation
VL06D Outbound Deliveries for Distribution
VL06F General delivery list - Outb.deliv.
VL06G List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue
VL06I Inbound Delivery Monitor
VL06IC Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv.
VL06ID Inbound Deliveries for Distribution
VL06IF Selection inbound deliveries
VL06IG Inbound deliveries for goods receipt
VL06IP Inbound deliveries for putaway
VL06L Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
VL06P List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking
VL06T List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning)
VL06U List of Uncheckd Outbound Deliveries
VL08 Confirmation of Picking Request
VL09 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note
VL10 Edit User-specific Delivery List
VL10A Sales Orders Due for Delivery
VL10B Purchase Orders Due for Delivery
Customer management
FD01 Create Customer (Accounting)
FD02 Change Customer (Accounting)
FD02CORE Maintain customer
FD03 Display Customer (Accounting)
FD04 Customer Changes (Accounting)
FD05 Block Customer (Accounting)
FD06 Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctng)
FD08 Confirm Customer Individually(Actng)
FD09 Confirm Customer List (Accounting)
FD10 Customer Account Balance
FD10N Customer Balance Display
FD10NA Customer Bal. Display with Worklist
FD10NET Customer Balance Display
FD11 Customer Account Analysis
FD15 Transfer customer changes: send
FD16 Transfer customer changes: receive
FD24 Credit Limit Changes
FD32 Change Customer Credit Management
FD33 Display Customer Credit Management
FD37 Credit Management Mass Change
V/03 Create Condition Table (SD Price)
V/04 Change Condition Table (Sales pr.)
V/05 Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.)
V/06 Condition Categories: SD Pricing
V/07 Maintain Access (Sales Price)
V/08 Conditions: Procedure for A V
V/09 Condition Types: Account Determin.
V/10 Account Determination: Access Seqnc
V/11 Conditions: Account Determin.Proced.
V/12 Account Determination: Create Table
V/13 Account Determination: Change Table
V/14 Account Determination: Display Table
CS00 BOM Menu
CS01 Create Material BOM
CS02 Change Material BOM
CS03 Display Material BOM
CS05 Change Material BOM Group
CS06 Display Material BOM Group
CS07 Allocate Material BOM to Plant
CS08 Change Material BOM - Plant Alloc.
CS09 Display Allocations to Plant
CS11 Display BOM Level by Level
CS12 Multilevel BOM
CS13 Summarized BOM
CS14 BOM Comparison
CS15 Single-Level Where-Used List
CS20 Mass Change: Initial Screen
CS21 Mass Material Change: Initial Screen
CS22 Mass Document Change: Initial Screen
CS23 Mass Class Change: Initial Screen
CS25 Archiving for BOMs
CS26 BOM deletion
CS27 Retrieval of BOMs
CS28 Archiving for BOMs
CS31 Create class BOM
CS32 Change class BOM
CS33 Display class BOM
CS40 Create Link to Configurable Material
CS41 Change Material Config. Allocation
CS42 Display Material Config. Assignment
CS51 Create standard BOM
CS52 Change standard BOM
CS53 Display standard BOM
CS61 Create Order BOM
CS62 Change Order BOM
CS63 Display Order BOM
CS71 Create WBS BOM
CS72 Change WBS BOM
CS73 Display WBS BOM
CS74 Create multi-level WBS BOM
CS75 Change multi-level WBS BOM
CS76 Display multi-level WBS BOM
CS80 Change Documents for Material BOM
CS81 Change Documents for Standard BOM
CS82 Change documents for sales order BOM
CS83 Change documents for WBS BOM
CS84 Change documents for class BOM
CS90 Material BOM Number Ranges
CS91 Number Ranges for Standard BOMs
CS92 Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs

Creating Sales Order - VA01
Maintaining a Sales Order - VA02
Displaying a Sales Order - VA03
Releasing an Order or Delivery from Credit Hold: Non-Flooring - VKM1
Display List of RMAs by Customer - VA05
Confirm RMA Goods Receipt - VL02
Generate list of open return orders for deletion - VA05
Display Customer returns eligibility - MCSI
Removing a Billing Block (Approving Credit/Debit Requests) - V.23

Create Pricing - VK11
Creating a Sales Deal - VB21
Maintaining a Sales Deal - VB22
Displaying a Sales Deal - VB23
Maintaining Prices - VK12
Displaying Prices - VK13

Creating Material Substitution Master Data - VB11
Maintaining/Deleting Material Substitution Master Data - VB12
Displaying Material Substitution Master Data - VB13
Creating a Bundled Master - MM01
Creating a Sales BOM - CS01
Maintaining a Sales BOM - CS02
Displaying a Sales BOM - CS03

Creating Partner Records - XD01
Maintaining Customer Master Data - XD02
Displaying Customer Master Data - XD03
Deactivating a Partner - VD06

Creating/Maintaining New Customer Credit Information - FD32
Displaying Customer Credit Information - FD33
Blocking or Unblocking a Customer - VD05

Creating a Delivery - VL01N
Displaying a Delivery - VL03N
Changing a Delivery - VL02N
Shipment Inquiry / Display - VT03
Adjusting Transfer Order - Confirmation Quantity - LT12
Collectively Confirm Transfer Order - LT25
Batch Shipment Confirmation - VL19
PGI Reversal Cancellation - VL09
Creating Service Provider/Carrier Master Data - XK01
Maintaining Serive Provider/Carrier Master Data - XK02
Displaying Service Provider/Carrier Master Data - XK03
Maintaining Product Master/Serial # Profile/Unit of Measure/Shipping Unit - MM02
IDoc Inquiry - WE02 / WE05

Invoicing a Customer Shipment - VF01
Reprinting an Invoice - VF31
Releasing a Sales Order for Billing - V.23
Creating an Invoice by Using the Billing Due List - VF04
Checking Open Billing Documents - VF05
Create Credit/Debit Memo - FB01

Controlling Total Debit/Credit bkgs - F.03
Generate FI Account balance - F.08
Generate Month-to-date Inv. register - F.02
Process payments - FBZ1
Rqst Individual Customer Corresp. - FB12
Generate Customer Correspondence - F.61
Enter Batch totals under Control ttl - FB07
Display G/L Acct. totals - FBL3N
Reverse Posted Amounts - FB08
Customer Refunds - FBL6
Customer Refund to other than Payer - FB05
Clearing Debit/Credit on Cust. acct. - FB1D
Customer Balance in Local Currency - F.23
G/L Account Balance Report - F.08
Create Invoice - legal entity adjust - FB01
Generate Cust. Acct. statements - F.27
Generate Dunning Letters - F150
Generate Billing Due List - VF04
Generate Blocked Billing Doc list - VFX3
Inq. via Credit Release Screen - VKM1
List orders by partner - VA05
Past Due invoices by customer - FD11
Check number info by G/L account - FBL3N
Display customer Line items - FBL5N

copy controls in sap sd

SAP SD Copy Control functionality allows to define which information will be copied from the source document to the target document. SAP S...